Urgent Need For Orphans' Home-Help Avoid Eviction
by Jorge Parrott, Missions Director

What could be more helpless than an orphan? Tom, a missionary with MorningStar Missions, also feels that way running his orphanage. He needs money to raise these children. An immediate need is for money to feed them and give them proper schooling.
Please don’t let these children go to bed hungry! The Lord gave us a mandate to care for orphans. What children need are parents, and it will take many parents to do this job. You can contribute to their future by donating now. When you love them this way, you help ensure their place with the Lord for eternity. Whether the children are in Kenya, India, or Haiti, these are God's kids, and our brethren.
Tom is also facing immediate eviction from his apartment because he owes 4 months’ rent totaling $1500. This loving pastor is giving his life to the Lord’s work, preparing young hearts to receive the Lord Jesus. He needs your prayers for wisdom in leading the orphans, and he needs for you to sincerely pray about giving to these dire needs. Please pray and donate. You can give through
http://sponsor.eaglemissions.org/ or mail checks to CMM P. O. Box 7705, Charlotte, NC 28241. Thank you so much for helping Tom and his orphans. We have many orphans in many nations awaiting a sponsor. We invite you to come with us when we visit your child. Pray about impacting a child for all eternity for pocket change each day. This is an investment of pennies that will impact eternity for a precious creation of our Lord. You can make a one time gift of any amount or sponsor a child for only $30.00 per month.
Jorge Parrott
Missions Director
803-802-5544 ext 391 missionsbase@gmail.com Friend us on Facebook!

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