Flash Point: Guatemala Major Roadblocks Overcome Angie and Jason Christman, CMM/MS missionaries to Guatemala know what it is like to deal with obstacles. The recent teachers’ strike has made transportation almost impossible in some areas as they block roads with huge boulders and hordes of people. The Christmans deliver 200 meals of fresh produce and meat over a two week period, along with the love of Christ, to several feeding centers for the poor. On their recent delivery, they encountered a blockade which had all traffic stopped. Angie prayed as Jason approached the obstacle. Before long a reporter was interviewing him and he was allowed to speak with the head teacher. As if in a movie, theirs was the only vehicle allowed through that day, as people worked to move the huge boulders aside and let them pass. Major Challenges in Naranjo Sister Sidia experienced a great tragedy when the truck her husband was riding in careened down a mountainside. He was killed and his co-pastor’s back was broken, as they were returning from an envangelistic outreach. As a result, their feeding center was shut down and Sister Sidia is now pastoring the church. The Christmans delivered food to this very needy community to help fill in the gap, while they deal with the grief of a funeral and the passing of their leaders. Sister Sidia is in the white in the middle of the picture above; Please pray for her and the community, as they recover and care for the survivors. Pictured here on the left is a family who depends on the feeding center. The family to the right lives in a lean to, one wall of which is black plastic and the others are mud. They have been reduced to these living conditions as a result of their home being washed away. Only $4,000 would build a dry, safe home for this fatherless family. The Christmans drive on roads that are regularly filled with obstacles taking hours to remove, to bring the Love of the Father & His provision to families like these. Madelyn Can See Madelyn suffers from a unusual eye condition that takes special glasses to correct. God moved on the heart of a donor in the States, to pay for having the glasses custom made for her. The glasses were then sent to Houston to catch a plane with some missionary friends to bring them to Guatemala. In the meantime, Angie and Jason Christman, CMM/ MS missionaries, helped transport Madelyn from her home in a mountain village, where they first ministered to and met her, to the rendezvous point. We praise Him for His loving provision for this little one. The Christmans disciple many Eastern Guatemalan pastors through in-home training sessions, bringing spiritual depth and unity to the churches. Please pray for them as they overcome seemingly impossible obstacles in a land of great beauty, but also great need. Salvation: The Most Precious Gift! J. and Y. M. minister in one of the most difficult areas of India, due to the persecution of Christians by Hindus. Our CMM/MS missionaries’ main focus is leading the lost in this area to Jesus. Recently, they preached the Gospel to a strong, but very young, Hindu couple, who then gave their lives to the Lord. The husband was delivered from smoking, drinking and beating his wife. For the first time in their married life, peace reigned in their house. Here is a picture of the wife being baptized. She changed her name to Ruth. Not long afterwards, Ruth died from an HIV infection. Please pray for the husband and the children as they step out in their new found faith. May the darkness be pushed back in India. The Work of the Father is to Believe Many around the world agree that the world’s problems are beyond human remedy. If we are not sure in what we believe, our families, and our very lives are at a great risk of falling away. We encourage you to rest in the peace of God, knowing that Jesus intercedes night and day on our behalf. We are in the time of the church’s greatest hours and it will get better as the glory of God shines on us more and more. In John 14:12 Jesus says, “He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these will he do, because I go to my Father.” During the last 40 years it is said that more people have come to Jesus than in all of history combined. There are trials, persecutions and tribulations coming, but the battle of the ages is in God’s hands. Go forth with great faith, boldness and courage , and take the nations to glorify our God. Join us on a missions trip; help us drill wells; plant schools and churches; send others out. You will receive the same reward as those on the front lines. He is our all in all. Blessings, Jorge Parrott | Donate to MorningStar /CMM Missions Today!   |
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