THE YEAR REVISITED A mid-year look at a prophetic word for 2011 Dr. Vaughn Hutchinson and wife, Chiana, began full time ministry in 1990. For a number of years they served the Lord through their selfless service to the poor and destitute, often even to the point of sharing their own home with ex-drug addicts and the homeless. As they continued in the ‘hidden place’ of service in remote locations around South Africa they were found to have proven themselves faithful in small things and have now responded to the Lord to provide oversight to a movement of God beginning in South Africa. Dr. Hutchinson is a CMM partner and is also associated with New Day International Fellowship of Churches. Joy Centre, the church he and his wife founded in Mogale City, South Africa has experienced rapid growth as Holy Spirit is moving powerfully in salvations, healing and deliverance. Dr. Hutchinson submitted a prophetic word to the Body at the onset of 2011. Believing this to be a timely word, we have decided it is appropriate to take another look at this word as we enter the second half of the year. The excerpt below has been edited due to limited space but you may find the word in it’s entirety on the South Africa tab of our website; In short, one cannot boldly and accurately speak prophetically into 2011 without having something to say of 2012. In the light of that I would have you first understand that 2012 will be a year of the beginnings of the establishment of the most powerful church body to ever walk the face of the earth. The year 2011 therefore, although seen as debilitating, is really the natural reshuffling that must proceed the reordering. What can we really expect? * the age of the miracle worker is about to begin * true solutions to desperate situations will be supernaturally manifest as a demonstration of God's love and power * a new order of church leader walking in true love, servant hood and humility will emerge * those who have failed to receive from the foundations God has laid up until now will increase in unbelief and those who have risked all to believe the word and (are) growing in faith…will begin to do great exploits What does this conclude for me for 2011? We must change from: * an outward seeking people to an inward seeking people * a ministry building people to a character building people * a faith works people to a love works people To have the plans of God established in your life through this year, ( it) is necessary for you to allow the Spirit of God to work deeply in you to purify your heart in preparation for His coming reordering. God’s continued blessings on you throughout the remainder of 2011! Sheila Lester; Editor Dr. Vaughn Hutchinson; Author |   Donate to MorningStar /CMM Missions Today! |
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