The Global Advance in Missions by Jorge Parrott The march of the Lord’s Body of believers and disciples advances daily around the world. At times many of our missionaries report how they don’t know how they will go on and most do not have a choice. Their faith sustains them on a daily basis and the vision of Psalm 2:8 burns brighter and brighter. We are their intercessors, encouragers, and investors. You share in the same reward. 1 Sam 30:24-25 For who will heed you in this matter? But as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike." NKJV Pastor Astrel Vincent continues to help thousands each day in Haiti with food, medical care, orphan care, while continuing to make repairs to the damage from the earthquake. A crusade team from MorningStar and Fresh Fire Ministries is planned early in 2011. In Pakistan three of our pastors are involved in helping flood victims, many who are homeless and have lost everything. In India some of our pastors face ongoing persecution from unfriendly Hindus who feel threatened with their Christian presence in their towns. New churches are being planted in India, the Philippines, Brazil, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and elsewhere. New schools have been started in Korea with MSU Korea. Efforts are underway in Colombia, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Guatemala to begin with MSU Schools of Theology. We have so much to be thankful for through our MS/CMM Missionaries in many nations. Prayers are needed to sharpen the focus and to make every one of our trips as effective as possible and maximizing the talents of MSU Students and Interns, MFM/CMM Members in the US, and in linkage with our missionaries overseas and the global MorningStar Prophetic Community. Twelve of our missionaries were able to come to the big annual Harvest Fest and we had two and half tents, including the half tent where local Hispanic pastors and ministries were offered space to enlarge their tent pegs. All of our missionaries mentioned how impressed they were with the expression of love and prophetic impartation here. Rick Joyner, founder and leader of MorningStar Ministries invites area pastors, English and Spanish speaking to a monthly luncheon for fellowship and encouragement and this event attracts new leaders monthly. After the luncheon, from 1:30-3:00 pm prophetic training and equipping is offered to Hispanic pastors from the Carolinas. Some travel up to 4 hours from places like Wilmington, NC ,and Myrtle Beach, SC, and Columbia, SC to join in the fellowship and support and equipping. We are planning a new outreach soon in live interactive prophetic training in Guatemala and the Dominican Republic. These are planned for mid-November. Prophetic leaders and teams and MSU students will participate from the US side with our missionaries hosting in their respective countries. We are excited about the use of technology in advancing the Kingdom of God in the nations. Our goal is to strengthen our missionaries and equip them for greater effectiveness and strategies from the Lord in the days ahead. We are working on planning our mission schedule for 2011 in the weeks ahead and will post these on our missions website at so our friends can make plans to go on a “God adventure” stepping out in faith, out of our comfort zones, to make ourselves available for the Lord to knit our hearts together across the seas. We invite you to contact our office if the Lord has put a certain nation on your heart or the months that are best for you to travel. Experienced team leaders are wanted to lead teams. Email the Missions Department at for an application. Visit the missions website and click on the Missionaries tab and then the Global Reach button to read about most of our missionary leaders around the world. Pray and ask the Lord to connect you with one or more of these precious nation changers. We are gathering interested partners in helping stop human trafficking, helping with orphan sponsorship, and ministering to Muslims. Contact the office to find out more or to start a local outreach in your area in one of these important fields. Your prayers and generous support are making a real difference in the global advancement of the love of God and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Matt 28:19-20 Go therefore* and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, NKJV | |
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