We, as Christians, have access to the Throne of God, by the blood of Jesus Christ. As we believe the way God desires us to believe we walk into a whole new realm of understanding, seeing greater glimpses of His glory. Jesus said, “Go. Heal the sick....” He did not say to ask God to please heal the sick. God’s will is to heal and that everyone would be saved, set free from all oppression, and walk, “as Jesus walked”.
Robin McMillan, the senior pastor at Morningstar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, SC said recently that Jesus came to earth not to show us how God lived, but to show us how we could live: full of love, with a servant’s heart, and of the Spirit of God, with power. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. We have been given an amazing authority to heal the sick.
Is God the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow? What do you think? We are seeing more and more that healing comes, sometimes by laying on of hands by leaders, but more and more by laying on of hands by ‘everyday people’. youth, lay people, congregational members, even little children, when they are free to worship, free to pray for others, and encouraged to step out in faith, acknowledging who they are in Christ Jesus, have been used by God to bring supernatural healing to many.
I encourage you as pastors, to train, equip, and release those in your congregations to rise up, wake up, and take your place as a truly obedient ‘Acts’ church, where leaders and lay people alike are healing the sick and seeing all manner of the supernatural essence of the Lord manifested in our very presence.
Of course, everything must be done decently and in order, but do not hold the saints down. You will see more growth, more giving, more healings when you encourage the Body of believers to exercise their faith and be bold. Remember, you are not God, but you are an authorized representative, an ambassador, sent from Heaven, with a mission, as Jesus tells us in John 17.
Do you want your church to be a true Apostolic church? Do you want to walk in the fullness of joy in the Lord Jesus? If so, then do not place yourself higher than anyone in your congregation. Tell your children and adults there is the same Holy Spirit, for young and old. There is not a big Holy Spirit for adults and a little Holy Spirit for children. It is the same Holy Spirit, the Comforter, that Jesus sent to be our Helper. Let the Lord, your helper, help you in building your congregation to be mature, faith-filled, and walking in unity. Humble yourself. Your mastery of the Word is given you for the purpose you can shepherd your people into power, exercising faith, healing, with sound minds, bodies, and sound emotions, for equipping of the Saints (Eph. 4-11) You are to shepherd the Body from ‘milk to meat’.
Enjoy God with your people. Have fun! Laugh! If you mess up, share how only Jesus is perfect. Man will always let you down, but Jesus will never let you down. Don’t pretend to be something you are not. God gives grace to the humble, and resists the proud. Experience God in all His wonderful joy, love, and power. You know the scripture that says, “the joy of the Lord is our strength.” Do you want to be stronger? Then, exercise your joy, by faith, and release the joy to your people. Life is not easy. But, Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Do not carry burdens that only Jesus can carry.
Equip your people to hear the voice of God for themselves. This is the rock Jesus spoke of when Peter heard the Father’s heart, that Jesus is the Christ. “Be still and know that I am God.” You must learn to listen to God more and more. Wait for Him to speak to you. Know His voice. His word is our wonderful gift and treasure. Knowing Him intimately is also a great treasure. The sheep know His voice. Do you know His voice? He speaks to most of us more than we know. Wait, wait, on Him daily.
Help your church members experience the fullness of God by experiencing the Joy of the Lord. God is not in heaven wringing His hands over the events of the world. He sent you to be an overcomer to enjoy the rewards as shown in the book of Revelations. Each of the seven churches John wrote were given what their reward would be if they over come. We over come by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. It’s time to wake up, grow up, and grow stronger in the Lord and release His joy to more and more people. The world is starving for this truth and this joy, particularly in these times of increasing lawlessness.
Enjoy God to the fullest extent you can.You can have all of God you want. How much do you want? Then, go and share that passion with your people and watch a revolution in God come to your church, ministry, or your business and most of all, watch that revolution come to your heart. That is revival. It starts in your own heart. May your fire and flame never die.
Jorge Parrott
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