Oh, How God Loves Us!
I put a link to a picture to illustrate the grain offerings at the altar in a CMMP Church in Laoag City, Philippines. Note the many onions:0) The principle here is sowing and reaping. God’s ways are for our good. Is He getting our attention with hurricanes? He alone is able to be our source in life. When we are blessed for generations in this country we can fall into a trap of thinking that somehow we are the cause of our prosperity.
God’s desire is to bless His people but we are not to forget Him and all His benefits. It is not ironic that seven years after 9/11 we suffer one hurricane after another and the biggest drops in our economy since the Great Depression. What is He saying? The spiritual warfare these days is the most intense in history. God is about to do something that we have never seen in our lifetimes. The enemy of our soul knows this. We must not back down, give up, or desire to go back to Egypt. We are seeing historic events unfold daily. My wife and are sowing extra these days because of the times we are in. CMM Missionaries around the globe need your investment more than ever.
In Haiti, our friends are eating mud because of the devastation of the four hurricanes in four weeks.
In India, churches and homes of people we know are being burned and today I got an email telling of 400 nuns being paraded naked by radical hindus.
In the the southeast US we have long gas lines and even in Charlotte we have people sleeping in cars overnight in hopes of getting gas, not knowing when there will be gas.
The biggest bank in US history, WAMU, was seized last night by the Feds and taken over. A bailout of $700 billion is proposed if they can agree. That amount of money would rebuild every town and city’s infrastructure in the US. Some say that what is needed is 2 trillion. Turn to the Lord and ask for His mercy for our economy. Speak faith and hope into our government. We must rally for faith and cry out for God’s mercy for this mess.
We have had decades of increasing prosperity, incomes, standards of living and more. What did we do with it? Did we honor God with our tithes and offerings? Many did.
His word says, “owe no man anything.” I have been guilty in the past of living on debt. Did we cross the line as a nation in becoming too dependent on debt? I would say yes. God chastens those He loves. Did He bring the hurricanes? Did He cause the financial crisis? No, but nothing happens without His knowledge. The life of Job comes to mind. His word does say also in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
He is our hope, strength, and our source of life, and the abundant life, that He sent His son Jesus to give us. We are in a time of great harvest. We, His people, must be strong in these days as those who don’t know Him, question what is happening and the meaning of the crises we are in.
It is time to die to self, love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and love our neighbor as our self. “As sin abounds, grace does abound more.” While lawlessness spreads and the end of the Book swirls around us, we have never had a better time to enter into His glory. More souls are coming into the Kingdom everyday than ever before. Some say more Christians are alive on earth today than have lived before us in all of history. We truly are in mind boggling times, bringing to mind the words, “beyond any thing we can think or imagine.” We are in those days. We must be in the Word daily. We need to hear God for ourselves by waiting and making time for Him daily. He is speaking. Are we listening?
The fields are white unto Harvest. Lift Jesus higher. If He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Him. Share Jesus and share the love of the heart of the Father. People need you. God needs you to show His love, not criticism, nor false judgements, but pointing people to the Kingdom and the miraculous ways God loves us. We are prepared for this. We are ready for this. We may not enjoy it, but our relationship with the Lord calls us to be obedient, even unto death, for His glory and for building up His kingdom. Go forth warrior of the Lord. Be strong and of good courage.