Sunday, December 7, 2008

Come Up Here by Jorge Parrott

The Secret Place Awaits

The world rushes toward darkness. God sent us, His ambassadors of light, here to bring radical change, a reversal of the doom. Piercing through the veil of space and time, Jesus came to show another way, a way of peace. Peace that overcomes our enemies, with a way of reconciliation, bringing the wayward home to the Father of Lights. The lights are hanging out for all to see, but do we see? Does the world see the lights?

Now, we see the economy fade and falter. We shall have no God but the one true God, not mammon. Money is a tool for increasing Kingdom ways, not man’s self interest and greed. Have we been wise stewards? Greed is a form of pride. Impatience is a form of immaturity. God’s love is ever patient always pointing to restoration. There is still time and much grace abounds, for now. God’s economy knows no lack or shortage of that which is holy. Heaven only knows multiplication and addition, light casting out dark.

God is waiting for us to discover on our own that He is more than enough, way, way more than enough. His love can take the five loaves and two fishes and feed the five thousand. He wants us to desire intimacy with Him over material distractions or friends with money. We hear the masses crying for help and support but we miss hearing God saying, “Come up here.” We miss the shofar preparing the warriors for battle as in Isaiah 2, “Come, let’s go up to the mountain of the Lord and He will teach us His ways.” Jesus ‘bailed us out’ on the cross, once and for all.

His rest is beyond the anxiety and fretfulness. His rest gives rest, truly. We have to stop and breathe awhile to hear His heartbeat. We have to take charge of our thoughts to slow the rambling wants and ‘rabbit trails’ in the battle field of the mind, like a little child running from this ‘shiny’ passion to that ‘glittering’ passion, forgetting His passion, which is to win the lost. His passion, perhaps even higher, is to know Him and be known by Him. We do this when we run and play with the Lover of our Soul in the fields of forgotten worries. “Dance, dance, dance, My child, for I am with you, now and forever, dance,” the Spirit implores. He never stops saying, “Come up here.” He is a delight and He delights in you.

He loves to surprise us and we often find while we are “away with our beloved” that He is working behind the scenes on our earthly needs, and when we come back from the secret place, we say, “Whoa!” His mercy endures forever. While we were swept away in that intimate bliss with the King, He brought clarity and resolution to our dilemma. Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Father, forgive us, we know not what we do. “Daddy, can we go back to the secret place now?” He bends to whisper in our ear, “In a heartbeat, My precious child, breathe deep, you are here with Me now, and all is well with your soul. My peace makes you whole.”

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Faith's Payoff!

Faith’s Payoff

The Payoff After Faith

One recent move of God that we experienced in CMM, Christ's Mandate for Missions, ( and for a missionary couple in India.

Jai and Yori are strong and fruitful in the Lord and have been facing persecution for some time in Eastern India in AP, Andrha Pradesh, near the Orissa state where more publicized persecution had occurred in August and September. They are pastors and have an orphanage. The Hindu landlord has been wanting them to move and giving them a hard time. They found a piece of land a few months ago and put a deposit on it. They missed one deadline. Jai wrote to me to help raise the funds to pay off the land for the orphanage. We made several appeals on our website and by email and some small amounts came in, but not enough. They faced a final deadline by Oct. 29th. They faced losing their original deposit and having no place to go at the same time.

The 27th of October I sent out another email to some folks. I encouraged Jai, that by faith, the money would come in. He had written me a sincere email and I replied for him to send that same email to the few Americans he knew from before the time he joined CMM, (which was about six months earlier). During that six months we had gotten to know each other more and he was very open to building a strong relationship. We are assisting him in getting his Master's degree and eventually starting a CMM School in his area.

I knew I would be sending the money to Jai from the CMM reserve account, but did not tell Jai that. I wanted his faith to be engaged even further, and mine too. I went to the bank and sent him the money so he would have it. There is a 10.5 hour time difference and the 29th there is really like the 28th here, especially for business hours. I did not want him to miss the deadline. By faith, I sent that money from the CMM reserves believing that God would bring it in from somewhere. Many had been praying for weeks.

Within one hour after I sent the money I got a phone call from one of Jai's friends, who had received the email from Jai, and he asked about the dire situation and asked several questions. I told him I had sent the money from reserves by faith. I told him I am planning to go there in January and my job, one among many things, is to inspect and verify the legal taking of the land and proper recording of the deed, etc. and I had spoken with Jai about the legal necessities, deed recording, the land being named in his ministries name, etc. and this caller felt relieved and said he would pay half the amount owing. We rejoiced together. God is awesome!

We still had the half to see come in. I kept praying and believing God was going to do it. He is the God who does it.

The next day, a pastor from Albany NY, who knew Jai's wife, Yori, when she was in school here in the US, called, and asked about CMM. I shared some background and some testimonies of faith. He told me the night before he had seen Jai's email and prayed and felt God was speaking to him to invest in this orphanage. He asked the Lord to make it clear to his wife also. The next day, when he shared how God spoke to him about this. She agreed. I explained how I had sent the funds by faith from the reserve fund. He said they would cover the other half to replace the CMM reserve funds. God is amazing! I know these orphans are precious to God and His will is to see them come into the Kingdom.

About 6-7 weeks previously I was in an OSJ meeting with Rick Joyner and I remember Rick talking about Prince Nicholas in Greece and how he and some friends support over 100 orphanages in India and I have been thinking "Why not!" God is the God of the impossible and I know God loves India very much and has connected us with some wonderful, fruitful friends there. With God all things are possible.

The Lord had told me about ten years ago in Guatemala that "if He could show me how to buy 100 houses that He could also show me how to build 100 churches around the world". We are in process, by faith, toward that goal also.



Thursday, October 30, 2008

Made on a Mac

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hurricanes In The Ocean And On Wall St. And Main St.

Oh, How God Loves Us!

I put a link to a picture to illustrate the grain offerings at the altar in a CMMP Church in Laoag City, Philippines. Note the many onions:0) The principle here is sowing and reaping. God’s ways are for our good. Is He getting our attention with hurricanes? He alone is able to be our source in life. When we are blessed for generations in this country we can fall into a trap of thinking that somehow we are the cause of our prosperity.

God’s desire is to bless His people but we are not to forget Him and all His benefits. It is not ironic that seven years after 9/11 we suffer one hurricane after another and the biggest drops in our economy since the Great Depression. What is He saying? The spiritual warfare these days is the most intense in history. God is about to do something that we have never seen in our lifetimes. The enemy of our soul knows this. We must not back down, give up, or desire to go back to Egypt. We are seeing historic events unfold daily. My wife and are sowing extra these days because of the times we are in. CMM Missionaries around the globe need your investment more than ever.

In Haiti, our friends are eating mud because of the devastation of the four hurricanes in four weeks.

In India, churches and homes of people we know are being burned and today I got an email telling of 400 nuns being paraded naked by radical hindus.

In the the southeast US we have long gas lines and even in Charlotte we have people sleeping in cars overnight in hopes of getting gas, not knowing when there will be gas.

The biggest bank in US history, WAMU, was seized last night by the Feds and taken over. A bailout of $700 billion is proposed if they can agree. That amount of money would rebuild every town and city’s infrastructure in the US. Some say that what is needed is 2 trillion. Turn to the Lord and ask for His mercy for our economy. Speak faith and hope into our government. We must rally for faith and cry out for God’s mercy for this mess.

We have had decades of increasing prosperity, incomes, standards of living and more. What did we do with it? Did we honor God with our tithes and offerings? Many did.

His word says, “owe no man anything.” I have been guilty in the past of living on debt. Did we cross the line as a nation in becoming too dependent on debt? I would say yes. God chastens those He loves. Did He bring the hurricanes? Did He cause the financial crisis? No, but nothing happens without His knowledge. The life of Job comes to mind. His word does say also in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

He is our hope, strength, and our source of life, and the abundant life, that He sent His son Jesus to give us. We are in a time of great harvest. We, His people, must be strong in these days as those who don’t know Him, question what is happening and the meaning of the crises we are in.

It is time to die to self, love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and love our neighbor as our self. “As sin abounds, grace does abound more.” While lawlessness spreads and the end of the Book swirls around us, we have never had a better time to enter into His glory. More souls are coming into the Kingdom everyday than ever before. Some say more Christians are alive on earth today than have lived before us in all of history. We truly are in mind boggling times, bringing to mind the words, “beyond any thing we can think or imagine.” We are in those days. We must be in the Word daily. We need to hear God for ourselves by waiting and making time for Him daily. He is speaking. Are we listening?

The fields are white unto Harvest. Lift Jesus higher. If He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Him. Share Jesus and share the love of the heart of the Father. People need you. God needs you to show His love, not criticism, nor false judgements, but pointing people to the Kingdom and the miraculous ways God loves us. We are prepared for this. We are ready for this. We may not enjoy it, but our relationship with the Lord calls us to be obedient, even unto death, for His glory and for building up His kingdom. Go forth warrior of the Lord. Be strong and of good courage.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Expecting A Revolution

by Jorge Parrott

We, as Christians, have access to the Throne of God, by the blood of Jesus Christ. As we believe the way God desires us to believe we walk into a whole new realm of understanding, seeing greater glimpses of His glory. Jesus said, “Go. Heal the sick....” He did not say to ask God to please heal the sick. God’s will is to heal and that everyone would be saved, set free from all oppression, and walk, “as Jesus walked”.

Robin McMillan, the senior pastor at Morningstar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, SC said recently that Jesus came to earth not to show us how God lived, but to show us how we could live: full of love, with a servant’s heart, and of the Spirit of God, with power. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. We have been given an amazing authority to heal the sick.

Is God the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow? What do you think? We are seeing more and more that healing comes, sometimes by laying on of hands by leaders, but more and more by laying on of hands by ‘everyday people’. youth, lay people, congregational members, even little children, when they are free to worship, free to pray for others, and encouraged to step out in faith, acknowledging who they are in Christ Jesus, have been used by God to bring supernatural healing to many.

I encourage you as pastors, to train, equip, and release those in your congregations to rise up, wake up, and take your place as a truly obedient ‘Acts’ church, where leaders and lay people alike are healing the sick and seeing all manner of the supernatural essence of the Lord manifested in our very presence.

Of course, everything must be done decently and in order, but do not hold the saints down. You will see more growth, more giving, more healings when you encourage the Body of believers to exercise their faith and be bold. Remember, you are not God, but you are an authorized representative, an ambassador, sent from Heaven, with a mission, as Jesus tells us in John 17.

Do you want your church to be a true Apostolic church? Do you want to walk in the fullness of joy in the Lord Jesus? If so, then do not place yourself higher than anyone in your congregation. Tell your children and adults there is the same Holy Spirit, for young and old. There is not a big Holy Spirit for adults and a little Holy Spirit for children. It is the same Holy Spirit, the Comforter, that Jesus sent to be our Helper. Let the Lord, your helper, help you in building your congregation to be mature, faith-filled, and walking in unity. Humble yourself. Your mastery of the Word is given you for the purpose you can shepherd your people into power, exercising faith, healing, with sound minds, bodies, and sound emotions, for equipping of the Saints (Eph. 4-11) You are to shepherd the Body from ‘milk to meat’.

Enjoy God with your people. Have fun! Laugh! If you mess up, share how only Jesus is perfect. Man will always let you down, but Jesus will never let you down. Don’t pretend to be something you are not. God gives grace to the humble, and resists the proud. Experience God in all His wonderful joy, love, and power. You know the scripture that says, “the joy of the Lord is our strength.” Do you want to be stronger? Then, exercise your joy, by faith, and release the joy to your people. Life is not easy. But, Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Do not carry burdens that only Jesus can carry.

Equip your people to hear the voice of God for themselves. This is the rock Jesus spoke of when Peter heard the Father’s heart, that Jesus is the Christ. “Be still and know that I am God.” You must learn to listen to God more and more. Wait for Him to speak to you. Know His voice. His word is our wonderful gift and treasure. Knowing Him intimately is also a great treasure. The sheep know His voice. Do you know His voice? He speaks to most of us more than we know. Wait, wait, on Him daily.

Help your church members experience the fullness of God by experiencing the Joy of the Lord. God is not in heaven wringing His hands over the events of the world. He sent you to be an overcomer to enjoy the rewards as shown in the book of Revelations. Each of the seven churches John wrote were given what their reward would be if they over come. We over come by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. It’s time to wake up, grow up, and grow stronger in the Lord and release His joy to more and more people. The world is starving for this truth and this joy, particularly in these times of increasing lawlessness.

Enjoy God to the fullest extent you can.You can have all of God you want. How much do you want? Then, go and share that passion with your people and watch a revolution in God come to your church, ministry, or your business and most of all, watch that revolution come to your heart. That is revival. It starts in your own heart. May your fire and flame never die.

Jorge Parrott

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Elisha's Questions

by Jorge Parrott

Have you ever wondered why things are the way they are? Have you thought to ask God questions to search out a matter? Many times we talk to God and talk to God and we don't listen well, always in a hurry, with a 'million' things to do. You know the scripture, "Be still and know that I am God." When we get in the secret place with Him, unseen realms of His glory can open up for us. It takes time to get there, in that secret place. It takes time. Sometimes, it takes questions to search out a matter. Have you asked God any questions lately?

Our Father God loves us to inquire of Him. Elisha knew what Elijah had told him in response to Elijah's question of him in 2 Kings 2: 9-10, “ And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.

And he said, “Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.” As children of the most high God we need to be prepared to answer questions, for surely, Elijah, just like God, desired to give his protege the desires of his heart. Elisha's question here is a result of Elijah's question of him. Elisha wanted a confirmation from the Lord when he asked in 2 Kings 2:14, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” Elisha was not pondering, as Peter was, upon Mt. Tabor, when Jesus was transfigured and seen in his glory, thinking what a great place to build a tabernacle,for Elisha was pregnant with the realization of what God had done, or should we say, about to do, in Elisha, who was intently following after God with his focus on not taking his eyes of Elijah, or God's anointing. This pursuit after God was rewarded when Elijah was picked up by the chariot of God, placing a double portion anointing on this expectant servant.

I had many recurring dreams as a child in this old country park where I grew up in central Illinois. These dreams occurred in this tranquil, serene place with log cabins and lily ponds, that was a real place, called Terry Park. I dreamed of being taken up in a slow whirlwind, like Elijah, not tasting death, and being with my Lord. I just floated up, spinning in the air, and knowing I was going Home. What a feeling in that dream! Have you had any dreams that were strikingly similar more than once? Do you think God can speak to you in dreams? Do you think God has dreams of His own?

At Jericho, the transformation Elisha had gone through was recognizable to the people for they acknowledged Elijah's mantle had passed as we read in 2 Kings 2:15-18. Elisha's spirit was now even more attuned to the Holy Spirit for when he was told that there was poison water amidst the pleasantness Elisha knew what was needed. His obedience had allowed God to trust him with prophetic insights as to how to heal their waters. With one new cruse of salt Elisha restored the balance only God can orchestrate to bring forth life healing waters to the dry and barren land of Jericho.

Do you think God could use you in a similar way as He did with Elisha? Have you had a God encounter that was so dramatic, you knew, and others knew too, that it had to be God at work in you?

In 2 Kings 2:23-24 we read of Elisha traveling to the “house of God”, or Bethel, and, as we as leaders after the heart of the Father need to be on guard for the increase in warfare frequently found immediately after a victory. Elisha surely was caught unawares as he encountered forty-two ruffians mocking him as to his deficiency in the hair department for he was bald. Elisha was not one of a compassionate spirit during this encounter, nor was God, at this moment, as seen in vs. 24 when God sent “two she bears (came) out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.”

Elisha's reputation as a healer of the waters perhaps spread to the three kings, of Israel, of Judah, and of Edom, as they decided to “inquire of the Lord by him” in 2 Kings 3:11. Elisha disdained Jehoram, king of Israel, for his wickedness. Elisha's love of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, was greater and again, hearing from God, Elisha called forth a minstrel to play in vs. 13-15. Only the prophetic intimacy of a true prophet of the Lord could know the inexplicable cure about to come forth in such a miraculous fashion.

We read in 2 Kings 4:1-2, “Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.

And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.”

Earlier Elisha was hesitant to help the kings because of one of them being wicked in 2 Kings 3:13. Here, with this widow of someone he knew, perhaps Obadiah, Ahab's steward who was a lover of God, Elisha willingly offered his help. Not only does this show us of our hearts knitted together in the family of God but of God's heart for us to look out for our brethren in time of need. Elisha, himself poor, knew that God was able to provide in amazing ways. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, gives us the gift and authority to “speak to those things that be not as though they were.” Elisha here embodied the heart of the Savior, being full of compassion for this widow, who was about to lose her sons for an unpaid bill. The crisis in her life was real and God sent Elisha to speak life into her situation. Elisha full of wisdom asked her, “what hast thou in the house.?” Amazingly, the solution we so desperately need often lies in front of us, if we but open our eyes to the spirit realm of God's kingdom. The widow answered, “Thine handmaid hath not anything in the house, save a pot of oil”. (2 Kings 4:2) God again reveals His mysterious ways as we see the borrowed pots miraculously filled. God delights in us as we exercise faith. Imagine the widow and her sons as they marvel at their God meeting their need. Even though she may have thought the whole idea strange, she obeyed and that is the key.

When our obedience, by faith, surrenders all, trusting in our holy Father God, in the spoken words of a trusted prophet, something from nothing is not only possible, but a certainty. We are created in the image of our Creator, who is the Father of creativity and allows His obedient children to co-create with Him, to minister His love and mercy in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 encourages us, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Have you been to the throne of grace with boldness lately?

How would you measure your faith level? Are you anticipating God to move through you as Elisha or Elijah did? I pray that you fulfill all that God has desired for you from before the foundation of the world. You most certainly have a God given purpose, calling, and divine reason to be here now, reading this, and living your life for the one true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Go forth expecting and anticipating 'suddenlies' from God. He gives you the breaker anointing through His son, Jesus Christ. With God, all things are possible.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Grace Abounding-My Dad

by Jorge Parrott

My Father, John W. Parrott, Sr. was born in 1913. When he was six months old he weighed less than when he was born. Doctors said he would be crippled his whole life, if he survived the wasting polio.

His family took him to a faith healer, near where they lived in Modesto, Illinois. She was a large woman and told them for a dollar a visit, she would call on the name of the Lord, and in twelve visits, he would be healed. One dollar was all it took. The power of God’s healing touch came upon him and he went on to serve in the army in WWII in Cuba, where he met my mother, Isabel Place. They married in 1945. Dad brought my Mom to Illinois to live. They gave birth to six kids.

My Dad passed away in 1981. My Mom is 86 years old and lives in a nursing home near St. Louis, near my sister, Virginia. I don't remember a hug or my parents ever saying they loved me. But, I know they did, with all their hearts. My wife and I make sure to tell our kids we love them, almost every time we say goodbye on the phone or in person.

God watches over us, even when we may not acknowledge Him or His sovereignty. My parents raised us in the church, but no one had told me in my early years that it was possible to have... really, a necessity, to have a personal relationship with the Lord.

By grace I write this today. I have been so blessed with the most loving wife a man could ever dream, married 30 years. My three sons are men of integrity, passionate, talented, creative, and hard working.

I met Helen “Mom” Correll (pictured above with Anna and me), and her son, Michael, who asked me to succeed him at CMM. How fortunate we are to stand on the shoulders of the great. Sidney Correll, the founder of CMM, passed away in 1991 and I never met him.

Like many, I have seen many amazing miracles, traveled to many nations, and seen seeds of revival on a global scale being formed, watered, and fed, and I have seen the hand of our Maker move in subtle and in dramatic ways time and again.

Surely, the designer of all creation is at work in our lives. Grace abounding all around us in a sea of turmoil, terror, and gloom. No, it does not make sense. Man’s ways are incapable of solving this mess. Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. There has never been a better time to enter into the presence and glory of God. Choose carefully who you will focus on, for the enemy of your soul seeks to destroy you and your family.

There is a hope that lies beyond the visible. Like a child we trust in the dark. In spite of the sorrow, someone else’s Joy makes us strong. The servant hearted warrior makes a way when there seems like no escape.

From beyond the veil of time a Voice speaks to willing vessels. Mysteries of ages unravel in this wondrous dance. Hear well the tending voice.

The world peers and stays confused. Discerning the times, knowing what lies ahead, our journey leads into unknown, uncharted territories. Our focused hunger longing for that narrow gate. Waiting, fighting, looking higher, leaving the old ways behind. How do all things ever become new?

Do you see it? Beyond the clouds, on a white steed a Rider comes. Listen now, the shofar is blowing. No longer in the wind or clouds, but in our midst, closer comes the one who saves. It is he! It is he! Temporary earthly afflictions fade and fast. The weight of That glory overshadows all this life. Rise up, open your eyes and heart to see. Rejoice! Rejoice!

A banquet is being prepared. Someone brighter than the sun has prepared a place for us. Do you see that light? Long ago the work was completed, even before time began. Oh, Mystery, I hear you call me, “come up here”!


Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Jesus speaks to us repeatedly that there is a difference between believing in Jesus and being a disciple of Jesus. One part of several definitions listed in the American Heritage Dictionary defines a disciple as “One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another”. Matthew chapters 5 and 7 are rich in spiritually practical examples and capture the heart of the Father in training up His children in diverse subjects.

The Sermon on the Mount illustrates succinctly the benefits and blessings of humility, holiness, and harmony with other believers. To be an effective disciple we must maintain our 'saltiness'. Pliny states that “Without salt human life cannot be sustained.” So, too, our spiritual life shrivels and dies without the salt of Christ-likeness shining forth in our lives. As we are called to discipleship of others we must have purity in our hearts and clean hands, leading a life of righteousness. Without our character being strong, our witness will be weak. A life lived for Christ speaks louder than our words spoken in the grandest of halls with shallowness and void of substance. Character is among the greatest forms of true wealth.

In Matthew 5:14-15 we read, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” Our light as 'flaming fires for Jesus' must illuminate the darkness of this world and even a small light can brighten the darkest room. Darkness never replaces the light unless the light is removed. Light is greater than darkness. Our illuminated witness brings glory to God always.

Christ speaks in Matthew 5:21-30 of our conscience remaining free from outbursts of anger and adultery. We are to be ambassadors of love and loyalty to our spouses, even virtual lusting is not approved of by the Lord. In Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus speaks to us to “lay up our treasures in heaven.” We are stewards of what belongs to God. We are to use all He blesses us with for His glory, reminding us that in Heaven, neither “moth nor rust can destroy.” The love of money is the root of all evil and when we 'send it on ahead' it keeps our eye on God, for if we aim to prosper materially, it leads to darkness within. We must maintain our inward light in order to glorify God (Matthew 6:33), even in the area of finances, resources, and other 'tools' to be used for the glory of God, or if used wrongly, for the dark realm.

In addition to Jesus' admonishments to abstain from violent fits of anger and even virtual adultery in our hearts and minds, to also not violate our love commitments to our spouse and family,for any type of disloyalty impacts many people, just like ripples in the calm water. While there are certain grounds for divorce as delineated in Matthew 5:31-32 we are blessed when we remain faithful, receiving blessings in our own bodies in addition to our families. We are also commanded to not violate our legal commitments or commit perjury and even swear an oath, having our yes mean yes. Our giving of alms and our prayers unto the Lord are not be done in a self-trumpeting manner or in seeking personal promotion or attention, for Jesus spoke of the widow with two mites having given more than any others on one occasion in the temple.

Jesus teaches us how to come to the Father, through Him, in Matthew 6:5-15 “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

Jesus is the master discipler encompassing all the gifts, character, and perfected humility to effectively disciple the nations in the ways of God the Father.

Jesus eloquently prescribes the removal of any critical spirit in our daily walk. Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China, says, “God gave us a spirit of discernment, not to criticize, but to intercede.” So, too, in Matthew 7:1-5 we are reminded to remove the mote from our own eye before we criticize our brother. This law of reciprocity behooves us to walk in generous amounts of grace, as it is given to us freely, freely we should bestow grace upon our brother. Likewise, in verse 6 we are to exercise wise judgment with those whom we are dealing, in order that our dispersal of wisdom, resources, or time are not abused or unappreciated, perhaps, leading to nullification of the Lord's trust in us.

To whom much is given, much is required. Let us be faithful stewards of the glorious gifts from our Father God. Surely, the wisdom provided in Christ's words to reach, teach, and make disciples of all nations is a river of wisdom and love that can never be exhausted.
Awe, Wonder, and Simplicity

by Jorge Parrott

Hab 1:5 (NKJV) “Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you.”

There is an increasing intensity building and a radical shift taking place in the earth with this generation. Waves of revival, lasting and strong, are being witnessed, then assimilated, in many nations. Realms of glory line the avenues with supernatural power, extraordinary power. As Kingdom thinking replaces bondage thinking, individuals, communities, and nations are in the prenatal stages of being transformed. At times the Glory may not look like it to the natural eye. An increase of understanding, sensitive to the Spirit's voice, and hearing God are stoking the passionate embers of the soon coming firestorm of the Holy Spirit. There will be an awakening of a boldness with courage and single mindedness, able to release once hidden destinies of Life to millions, in an almost simultaneous fashion, as never before seen on earth.

This heavenly orchestration may look disconnected and disjointed but the Spirit is weaving the tapestry of the end times in such a way that the enemies of the Spirit can not see the great 'real'- alignment taking place right before our eyes, much less stop the inevitable flood of righteousness and truth and justice about to prevail.

Oh, just as Elisha prayed the eyes of the young man be opened in 2Kings 6:17 so may our eyes be opened to the unseen realm and the armies of angels at work in our midst, preparing to reveal the chinks in the enemy's armor, pointing the way to fortresses and safe places where we can rest as we are refueled and recharged between the battles. Chariots of glory are swooping into your life right now to aid and assist and the Holy Spirit is whispering in our ear, “come closer, come closer, and I will show you the snares of the enemy.” God does nothing that He first does not reveal it to His prophets.

There is a rising army of stealth apostles who have no desire in the legacies of self and notoriety, but are intent in honing the purity of heart, humbly decreasing so that Jesus of Nazareth might increase. Humility and brokenness and lives set apart for Christ paint the canvas of these 'MasterPeace' apostolic artisans. The Spirit of God is working a work in those now hearing God and given understanding for the discernment of the times, that the world will be astounded and their unbelief will emerge into hope, then faith filled glistening glimpses of a new day, as they learn to walk into the fullness of Christ. In a flash, a shimmering light, a moment from beyond time, many life situations and current circumstances will change, as a “suddenly” pierces time and transforms a multitude of lives and God smiles at His workmanship in the supernatural.

From the desert wilderness many will walk out, a bit dazed, but really, really happy for this new time of breakthrough. We surely enter His courts with thanksgiving in our hearts. God, you are so faithful. You never left us. You stuck with us even when we felt like giving up.

Spiritual giftings and creative releases are being discovered, shaped and honed in strategic ministry training schools, camps, retreats, short, medium, and long term mission adventures, scattered throughout the world, and are increasing. Native pastors in many nations are having encounters of their own and the Western disciple now needs to venture to the nations to learn more of what God is doing and desires. Can you hear the breeze in the tops of the balsam trees? More and more, in our trips overseas, we see how just a deposit of the word mixed with faith, just a seed watered in the Spirit, can become a nuclear grenade to explode God's love and the Father's heart as many fall on the floor weeping after an embrace, a word, a look, a prophecy, melting hungry hearts and bringing rapid change. (American Christians make up less than one percent of all Christians in the world).

Sharing resource connections, networking strategies and “same- wavelength” prophetic visions, utilizing technologies for Kingdom building are now releasing endeavors anointed by God and these will utterly confound the wise, the experts, the faithless, including the media. Joseph companies are fueling the increase in witty inventions, new technologies, e-fuels, and open borders of adventurous entrepreneurs, full of faith, willing to risk it all, and are seeing miraculous returns that come up (e) on the calculators, which means the ROI or return on investment is infinity. That is the kind of Kingdom interest rate that God is pouring out in such a manner that blessings will not be able to be contained.

It is coming! It is coming! It is coming! Yes, it is time to be amazed. It is time to allow the Lord to restore the dreams that were buried in years past. It is time to anticipate that the God of the impossible is the God who made it possible for us to be reconciled by His son Jesus, who now intercedes for us night and day. Dream beyond your own life, like David danced. Dream beyond your own circumstance, like Joseph in Egypt.

Hebrews 11:39-40 encourages us with “and all these, having obtained, a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.”

There may be some reading this who are the very ones who are destined by faith, to complete the promise given David of a tabernacle for worshiping the Lord. There may be some reading this who are the very ones who are destined by faith to complete the dreams of Joseph, or Daniel, of Abraham. And, we are all called to complete the prayers of Jesus and that is, that we would be one, as He and the Father are one, written about in John 17. We are sent, as Jesus has sent us.

As God pours out His spirit in these days, the prophetic release is increasing globally as the Body matures in seeing, as a seer, and speaking the prophetic flood God is sending down now to bring a unifying cohesion to His body, with Christ as the head.

The rivers of living waters are indeed flooding the earth, as the earth and the souls of men groan for the heart of the Father to come and inhabit His people. As ambassadors of Christ we carry a mobile, portable, embassy of Heaven with us, where ever we go, impacting and affecting the spiritual atmosphere. We are being called to 'get over' ourselves, to now live outside ourselves, in being positioned to offer refuge, escape, and sanctuary, freely sharing with the lost, hurting, persecuted, tormented, possessed, and those in bondage.

Multitudes are looking for clarity, hope, and purpose and are longing to hear from God for themselves. Even atheists want to see the real God. It is time for an increase in the manifestations of the Lord through His chosen generation, peculiar, royal and holy to ignite and set free captives of the gloominess of and despair “lukewarmness”. He is calling us to greater maturity, to greater believing what He tells us, in His word, in His prophetic orchestration of our lives. The completed work of Christ on the cross and wisdom and understanding we seek, He freely gives, if we ask. God is waiting on us to release the faith of God in our day by day walking.

A handkerchief or a shadow can heal. When our hearts are purified by rich, deep encounters of His presence we can take a walk and hospitals will empty their beds. Lord, burn away the chaff and may your Glory burst into the here and now.

This John the Baptist generation must prepare the way for the presence of the Lord, as maker, as friend, as intimate warrior. The prophetic spark being released is in advance of the fire rain coming from Heaven and the Spirit of God beckons us to stay in this holy communing with the Lord, fully armored day and night, remembering His body and His blood. From the table of the last supper to the banquet wedding hall celebration just on the other side of the veil, we sup with Jesus, Lord and King. Time is a small part of eternity. There may seem to be a great chasm, but while we breathe, by faith, it is closer than we think. May the realization of the belief, as sons of God, solidify in our hearts with increasing freshness and fullness by the fact of who we are, with this authority of the King of all creation.

As the Lord molds our hearts and conforms us to His image an increasing sensitivity to the move of the Spirit is underway. In 2008 we will see a new boldness and sure-footedness be established as more and more of the soldiers in God's army are faced with a “do or die” mentality. Pressure cooker situations will increase where this army will make instinctual faith choices and we will thank God His word is hidden in our hearts at this time. Instantaneous decisions for obedience, covered in faith, passion, and zeal will ignite further the growing waves of Glory.

As sin abounds, grace abounds even more. What a time to press into the Glory! There has never been a better time than to dance, march, rejoice, serve, die,get freer, and give it all away, as we draw closer to each other along our way into His presence, moving as one, with Jesus, as King! Come, let's dance in this rain in 2008.

Radical Times, Revolutionary Churches

by Jorge Parrott and

In this discussion I want to ask you to ponder that in this world there are over 6 billion people. Our Creator, Lord of majesty, our God, knows the names of each one of them! In fact, He knows us better than we know ourselves. He will leave us alone, if we want, to live our own lives, we can even deny Him, if we choose. Or, He will rescue us, if we ask Him. God is in the rescuing business.

Some fascinating info: Some say there are more Christians outside the church in the US than in regular fellowship, meeting at church weekly. Its not hard to believe in todays world. Why is that? How many are so tired of regular church? We will die if we are not in fellowship with other believers in the days ahead. Why do so many feel wounded by their former church? Why have so many turned their back on the church? People are tired of double speak, yet people want to see God, to experience God.

People would love to say, now, I believe, "if I have seen God". A life poured out, emptied, makes room for God to shine. What will it take for multitudes to say "now, I believe"? It is not more eloquent preaching, nor more talking to, nor more of man's traditions. Jesus was radical, but more importantly, He obeyed His Father. Lord, teach us to hear and obey the Spirit of God.

I challenge you to join us on an encounter in God. The worst that can happen is that you will end up serving some one and helping some one who is needy and hungry.

I want to give you 7 reasons to leave the US. Some may say, yeah, with the war in Iraq, crime, threats of terrorism, and all the messes were in, sure, I would love to leave. Well, that is not what this is about.

First, lets put some things in context: of all Christians in the world, American Christians make up around one percent! We are not the only show in town, guys! It is a big world in terms of culture and in terms of the diversity of God.

The same old approach our predecessors took in regard to missions wont cut it anymore, plain and simple. Some say that American missionaries actually may do more harm than good. I have seen many US teams feel really special when they fly into town in another nation and a thousand or more get saved. The first few times I saw that was really, very cool. But, when we go in with just a little bit of Christianity, and while salvation, by faith, in Christ Jesus, is the greatest miracle, if we leave town soon after, without getting the new brothers and sisters plugged in to fellowship, we may have actually done more harm than good. Bob Weiner, one of the great evangelists of all times, says that a little bit of Christianity is like a vaccine, it keeps you from getting the real thing!

The Great Commission is still in effect though. We are to go and make disciples in all nations. Some say there are more Christians alive on earth than in Heaven, if so, then something big is about to happen! Something really, really big!

Mark 16:14-20 is a key scripture we use often at CMM.

And John 20:19-23 "Peace be with you....As the Father has sent me, I also send you."

Who do we live for?

I would ask you to read 2 Corinthians 5. Paul wrote We have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. The Love of Christ controls us. He died for all, that they who should no longer to live for themselves but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. God reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.

Reconciliation with Father God can be in many forms, and one of the surest, quickest way to experience reconciliation is going on a mission trip. That intense one-two week adventure is part of the reconciliation process in restoring us to the Father. Let me explain.

At CMM in the last 8-9 years, I know of there have been over 3,000 people, many of them young people, who have gone on mission trips outside of the US and many of those have been on more than one.

I believe 100% would say that it was a life-changing experience for them, that they did not come back the same. You often end up doing things you never thought possible. You could encounter situations you never thought you could or should endure.

On any mission trip, you must remain flexible, sensitive to the Holy Spirit. You will have plans, an outline, a schedule, but remember, that much of Jesus ministry that we read about, where signs and wonders and miracles occurred, happened as a result of interruptions and obedience. Be prepared to be interrupted. When the Holy Spirit moves on you, phooey on your schedule! Be prepared to be interrupted, did I already say that?

You could be in situations where you have no choice but to trust in God, to rely on His strength, not your own. Your expectations get blown out of the water and you are forced out of your comfort zone. PPPPPPOPPP! Like a baby coming out of his or her Momma, PPPPPPPOPPP! Get ready to be birthed into your destiny. True heartwashing occurs when you go serve! Let that waterfall of God's love wash over you, by His Spirit, and your own problems often melt away. When you forget about yourself and focus on the Fathers heart, your life has new priorities. Try it! People will tell you that, when you come back, you will never be the same, and they will be right!

So, if you want comfortable, stay where you are.

Here we go, the 7 reasons to leave the country.

#I. IF you go your view of God will explode.

A town leader in another land once said, We need to meet each other from different lands, because without our cross cultural fellowship, we both stay fixed in our own cultural views of God. When we meet and share our lives, we discover that God is greater than either of our cultures. He is not a tribal God or a village God, or an ethnic God, not white, black, yellow, or brown. He the transcendent, multi-faceted, God of the universe! He is outside of any box, in fact, what box?

It is in our nature that we believe that the world revolves around our country, our culture. That makes us prone to worship a God who looks like us, and talks like us. When we visit other peoples and tribes we see that He is a God of diversity and many beauties. He really is Lord of all nations! Hearing the testimony of Hindus and Muslims in Asia, or Quechua Indians in Bolivia, or Quechee Indians in Guatemala, or Jews in Spain or Central America, or Israel, or Palestinians, Jordanians, Brits, Canadians, whatever, has given me a fresh view of the universal application of the good news of Jesus Christ, and to hear of the testimonies of miracles and healings and deliverances when we share the gospel and they believe! Just as in the book of Acts 1:6-8 When asked if that was the time for Him to restore Jerusalem? And Jesus said to them It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Oh, to be in a place where it is the first time they hear of Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit and to see what He does! What a blessing I have had to witness the Gospel told for the first time, and people listening to what you are saying and the wind of the Holy Spirit moves and their expressions confirm to you, that indeed, this is a God moment, a moment when lives are changed for all eternity! Healings come, countenances change, lame walk, deaf hear, His joy released, that is what we live for.

I pray that our ears here in this church will hear and see like it was the first time and to perceive the Holy Spirit in a fresh way like it was the first time so that we would believe and receive! I pray often, Lord, help me to believe the way you want me to believe, the way you made me to believe. Help me Lord, to see others and even myself, the way You want me to see.

#2. You will view possessions and material things differently. OK you know in your head that many parts of the world are poorer than here. But staying at home keeps such knowledge at an intellectual level. You can keep it at a distance emotionally. But, until you witness it with your eyes firsthand, until you smell it, you do not experience it. Go to a poor bario, an impoverished village, a home that has lived under communism for 40 years like in Cuba, or a compound where the ditches are full of raw sewage and you see children walking through it like India, or better yet, mothers doing laundry in streams where the sewage runs in Bolivia, you will confront your head knowledge while your heart is breaking right then, right there. The hardest of hearts will soften when confronted with the injustice, the oppression by the enemy of your soul, in the world today. Many can no longer live for themselves when they see the souls suffering for lack of clean water, clothes for their children, education for all. God wants us to change that. He has a plan. May our lives line up with His strategies.

You are confronted then with the challenge of 1John 3:17, If any one has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?

On the positive side, confronting materialism helps each of us recognize what really matters. I have been blessed to see in Cuba, one of the poorest nations on earth, churches packed out, and people standing outside looking in the windows, hands raised, praising our God! Rejoicing and singing at the top of their lungs, singing with such joy that challenges us here in America. The joy of the Lord, our strength, is real, and when you don't have material distractions, you sense His presence more!

We are blessed to bless others. I have seen Americans, including myself, begin to wonder if our own faith was simply a nice topping on a materialistic lifestyle? Even though we possess so much more, our faith was not as deep nor real! Mustard seed faith is enough to radically impact a life or a nation.

Now, when I go to stores, I really see I dont need most things, I would rather send the money overseas where God multiplies it so much more. I have seen many who have been on such trips re-evaluate their faith and their lifestyle. When I think of a full time pastor can be supported for $35.00 per month in the Philippines, $50.00 a month in India, or $100.00 a month in Guatemala, or a church can be built for only $6,000. that will reach generations of hungry disciples with the simplicity of the Gospel and the profound love of God, it is hard to live for self.

#3. Your perception of hardship will change. Does it seem like your life is tough enough already? A cranky boss, an overpriced house, a bad hair day, new car payment, or too many bills and not enough paycheck got you down?

Try walking for six hours to get a bucket of water to cook with or driving on roads so bumpy with rocks for hours upon hours that you get saddle sores. Try cooking a meal just as the lights go out or going to take a shower and just as you turn the faucet the last trickle of the day comes out and there is no more water until tomorrow or no more power until the government decides to turn it on again.

Stay in a pastor's hut, 6 feet by 8 feet with a leaky roof, no bed, just a bedroll, taking a bath and doing laundry in a creek with half the village watching. I have been to many pastors houses in the last few years and many have one picture on their wall, many dont even have a car, yet their life reflects one of mercy and compassion, and great love for their sheep.

Let me tell you about two young pastors in the Philippines who have to swim across a swollen river to get to their churches in the rainy season and all for a dollar a day, but they do it with such commitment, as if their lives depended on it! They put their Bibles and Sunday clothes in a garbage bag and swim across a swollen river.

This verse in Ezekiel comes to mind, vs. 3:18 when I say to the wicked , you shall surely die, and you give him no warning nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your soul. These pastors believe it, do you?

Yes, you will see sorrow that you will never forget, and you will know the meaning in a new way of the scripture, Those who sow in tears will reap in joy. Gods Word encourages us to not grow weary of well doing or give up too soon.

#4. You will come back with a new view of Heaven.

Serving on a short term mission, cross-cultural missions trip foreshadows, the multicultural, multi-ethnic, church depicted in Revelations 7:9, After these things I looked, and behold a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb Oh what an awesome eternity lies ahead! We cannot comprehend!

When you worship in a different culture it helps you to experience the reality of Galations 3:28. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female... Our understanding of the creative diversity of God is enlarged. Praising on a mountaintop in Bolivia as they sing open wide the gates and let the King of glory come in, in Spanish, or being in a tiny church near the Nepal border of India and seeing them be slain in the Spirit as God is healing them, (with no one touching them), then saving them, or on a dirt floor of a church in Guatemala, seeing joyous youth with hands lifted high, helps one to understand the awesome grace of Gods forgiveness and gives you a real sense that we are of one body, the church universal, and to experience a deep anticipation of Heaven.

Cross cultural worship gives you a taste of heavenly worship before you get there. This is a taste of Heaven, worshipping with many tribes, many tongues, glorifying and exalting our Holy Father. What amazement, what joy! His throne is open for you, come up here!

Your faith will stretch like never before.

Unpredictable situations, unfamiliar foods, being asked to minister when you are not prepared, or in areas where you do not have confidence, all these things force you to depend on God in ways you have not before. This is just where God wants you now, so He can do His thing in your life.

Hudson Taylor, founder of China Inland Mission more than a hundred years ago, said, Unless there is an element of risk in our exploits for God, there is no need for faith!

As for comforts and familiarity and wondering what it will be like on the foreign fields, even for a few short days, let me ask you a question, better yet, let me give you a question to ask Jesus, Jesus, how did you like living on earth? Go ahead, you ask Him that. Oh! But for the joy set before Him, He endured the crossRomans 12:2

There is an amazing joy that set before you when you see with His eyes. It comes with a heavy price. You can know Him more only when you know about His sufferings also. You dont get one without the other, but when that joy, that peace, that overcomes the enemy, that can not be shaken, becomes real and unshakeable, then you see what He wants you to see. Its ok, begin to open your eyes now.

Comforts and likes and dislikes and preferences fade in the light of His glory. Too many luxuries have become necessities for modern western man that if we are not careful, we may miss what God has for us. How about winding back the clock on your luxuries being necessities. Let your necessity, be Christ alone.

It makes you think of Hebrews 11, the faith chapter, Those men and women chose to do difficult things, not for immediate reward, but in faith that something good would result. One missionary wrote I too have thought that if I obey God, Ill be truly fulfilledbut running the race isnt always fulfilling. Sometimes I have to hang in there, as an act of endurance, not for the blessing, but because God deserves it. Perseverance, persistence, being committed to your calling, being fruitful, faithful, and tough in the Lord, that is your duty.

Our God deserves it.

We are to pour out ourselves as a living sacrifice, a drink offering. We are not our own once we are truly born again, we are a new creation.

#5 Your faith will stretch.

Serving cross-culturally will put you into a must-trust environment where you no longer are in control. Your prayers will intensifywhether for finances, safety, health, or communication, because you do not have the answer without God intervening. Why, in places like India and the Philippines a trip across town can be a real faith building situation! Hard times help shape our character, to make us more like Christ. In acceptance, there is peace. Is there a price to pay? yes! Anything worthwhile has a price, just like being a parent, or anything else of value.

The universal body of Christ that is all over this globe is part of the same body, the same bride, waiting on the same Bridegroom! The fire that is burning here and around the globe is spreading through short term mission trips, through folks going into full time missions and ministry, and it is spreading through the use of technology. More souls are coming into the kingdom each day than ever before!

Reports are that there are 30,000 salvations per day in Africa, and 30,000 per day in China. We are messengers of the Gospel, we are ambassadors for Christ. As part of the body, we move among the body of believers bringing refreshing as we get refreshed. We bring discipleship as we get discipled. The reciprocating action of getting blessed as we give blessings brings life in Jesus to the body and He is the head.

These short term trips are like a blood transfusion. We see as we go to bless the fields they are hungry for the mature word of wisdom God blesses us here at CLI with and in turn we see the simplicity of the Gospel, with joy in the midst of trials, with peace in the midst of the poverty. God uses the interchange and the exchanges of these trips to enlarge our borders, enlarge our faith, and increase our faith levels.

You may have heard me say it before that an American Christian writer was asked a few years ago why we see such miracles overseas and not in the west as much. He said, because they believe the Word, they believe what you tell them.

We will see change here in the West and I pray that we will not have to have serious calamities for that to change us so we finally get lined up with God.

Our faith is being stretched in this church to reach the nations. Psalm 2:8 says, Ask of Me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of earth for your possession. Do you believe He will do that?

CMM is becoming a vital part of the vision the Lord has given our Pastors and leadership and new ways are being explored to train for missions. Local, regional, national and international missions and evangelistic outreach opportunities are all around us. Organized, efficient preparation, and training programs are being drafted so that these trips are productive vehicles to bless the fields without causing dependence on our dollars and to provide safe travel while being obedient to God and insuring a life changing experience and many God moments on these trips.

In Guatemala a new library in an old house has been purchased and 1,000 kids a day show up for VBS. A church is now planned on that land. $4,500 is needed to pay off the land. Three pastors in Coban, Guatemala need support of $100 per month per pastor.

Mobile Bible schools are being developed and five years ago the response to a missionary training program brought so many interested that we had to stop it. There were over 300 trained in one year and we could not handle it. That program is starting up again. And many of these Guatemalans are being called to Islamic nations where they fit in, and Americans are not welcome.

One CMM youth group performed in front of 10,000 public school children in the largest sports stadium in Guatemala and it was the largest evangelical outreach ever in the public schools. We have been asked by the education minister of the government of Guatemala to come back this summer with a character counts, ethics class, to train the public school teachers.

CMM have helped to build churches in the Philippines where in 1995 they started with a home group of 15 and now have 32 churches and a vision for 45 churches by the end of 2006! $6,000 builds a solid, stucco cement block building with cement floor and a sound system. 25 pastors of 70 total still need sponsors at $35.00 per month, for full time pasturing. What multiplication is that!

In India we are helping build a Bible School to train pastors in partnership with PG Vargis who has already planted 6,000 churches on his way to 7,777 churches in northern India by 2010.

A medical team visited Guatemala last month and saw 7,000. In November, 50,000 are expected for this medical team. This team now travels on 4 or 5 key trips a year reaching hundreds of thousands with love, pure love and healing.

Ask and I will give you the nations!

These are the days to get involved. You are not too old, too young, too poor, nor too rich to be a part of the greatest move of God in all history. We are in the army of the Lord.

In John 14:12 we can read, Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it. That settles it! What are we waiting for?

#6 You will be used by God in a way that you will know He is God.

He will send you somewhere you never thought you could go, or would go, and use you to bless others in ways you did not know existed in you or He would use you for, and He will change you in a way that you did not think anything could, and your heart will melt in ways that you did not know were possible, and He will call you to those new places that you only dreamed of, and some you never even dreamed of, and you will see He had His hand on you the whole time!

He called me to a hilltop in Cayo Coro, Cuba where almost 70 years before the father of Sidney Correll. Sidneys dad rode a horse around Cuba asking God to show him where to plant a church and Bible School. God allowed me to view from a hilltop where they grow sugar cane, the land where God showed them to build a Bible school in the 40s and then Castro took it all away from them in the early 60s and by the grace of God, gave it back to the local Christian pastors, some of whom were imprisoned because of their Jesus, and had their churches sealed and boarded up for 25 years, yet they persisted and persevered. These men came to an American church and wept at the presence of God in the place and I heard them say to the Pastor they did not want to dirty our carpet with our tears. There is something awesome, something very special about Gods presence.

And last summer these dear Cuban pastors were given permission to reopen their Bible school and they have 65 pastors in training and about 45 churches at present. God allowed me to visit that hilltop as the sugar canes were being burned away and the smoke cleared away seeing how He protects the remnant of His people.

And I believe God will use me to win my cousin who stayed there all those years and as a college professor makes $20.00 per month, I believe he will come to know Jesus in a personal way as His savior. (this happened in May 2002 when my son Matthew went to Cuba with Ruben Fernandez and his youth pastor from Spain. I went in 1960 as a six year old and forty years later in 2000, and again in 2002,that is God!

How will God use you? You may never know if you do not make yourself available. These are not the days to hold back, to think you are not called, or you are not worthy. I have news for you, you are not worthy, but because of what Jesus did on that cross you are made worthy and you can put on the righteousness of Christ right now. You need to know who you are in Christ Jesus and this is the place He has for you to find out who you are in Christ Jesus.

#7 You will learn that you can hear from God and know His calling on your life.

God is speaking to us more than we know. You do hear from God, you just need to spend more time with Him to know the Shepherds voice.

In that concentrated environment for that seven or ten days or fourteen days, or so, you will make friendships with others that will last a lifetime. You have heard of brainwashing, well this is nothing like that, I like to think of it as heartwashing. You will establish a bond that you never know in the beginning what it will be like, but there will be one or more, maybe not with everyone in the group, but with a few, that will bind your hearts together for ever.

And your heart will be knit to those who you may never see again, until youre both in Heaven. Our prayer is that you will have time while riding or flying back where you have such an intense encounter with God that you may not be able to hold back the tears. May you have many tears of joy, tears of closeness with Him. He wants that from you.

Even though you may never go again overseas, or the world situation changes where it becomes no longer safe, even for a while, you will have crossed over that river in your spiritual walk where you know there is no going back. Things will never be the same again. You will read the Word with new passion, new zeal and you will be ready to share this Good News when the Holy Spirit prompts you.

You will discover things in those places where there is no phone, no clock, none of the normal everyday things, they are not present. You are in new territory, and your senses are soaking it all in, often it takes a week or two after you get back to assimilate all the Lord showed you during just a few busy days. You cant wait to tell your friends what God did! And it probably wont be like anything you imagined. What a God!

Do you need a heartwashing? Today is the day of the Lord and He is prepared to meet you here in this place. If you want to know more about missions feel free to see me afterwards. Remember, Luke 24:47 says and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

The Christian life, the normal Christian life, with signs and wonders and miracles and hearing God and speaking with God through His Holy Spirit is the greatest adventure, the most exciting adventure of all eternity. Dont let the world or the enemy tell you otherwise. May this trip take you to new heights, new depths, in the Spirit, and may you experience a refreshing touch, like a waterfall, from the Lord of the Harvest.

Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Deuteronomy 28:9-10 9 The LORD will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the LORD your God and walk in his ways. 10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the LORD, and they will fear you.

Joshua 4:23-24 23 For the LORD your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. 24 He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God.

2 Samuel 22:50 Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing praises to your name.

II Kings 19:19 Now, O LORD our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all kingdoms on earth may know that you alone, O LORD, are God.

1 Chronicles 16:23-24 23 Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. 24 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.

Nehemiah 9:6 You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.

Psalm 86:9 All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.

Isaiah 49:6 I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.

Jeremiah 3:17 At that time they will call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD, and all nations will gather in Jerusalem to honor the name of the LORD.

Ezekiel 36:23 I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the name you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am the LORD, declares the Sovereign LORD, when I show myself holy through you before their eyes.

Daniel 7:13-14 13 In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him.

Amos 9:11-12 11 "In that day I will restore David's fallen tent. I will repair its broken places, restore its ruins, and build it as it used to be, 12 so that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations that bear my name," declares the LORD, who will do these things.

Nahum 1:5 The mountains quake before him and the hills melt away. The earth trembles at his presence, the world and all who live in it.

Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Zephaniah 3:8-9 8, 9 I have decided to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms and to pour out my wrath on them-- all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger. Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the LORD and serve him shoulder to shoulder.

Haggai 2:7 I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD Almighty.

Zechariah 14:9 The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.

Malachi 1:11 My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my name, because my name will be great among the nations," says the LORD Almighty.

Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Mark 13:10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.

John 3:16-17 16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Romans 15:12 And again, Isaiah says, "The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him."

1 Corinthians 10:26 "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."

2 Corinthians 5:19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ...

Galatians 3:8 The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: "All nations will be blessed through you."

Ephesians 1:10 to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.

Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.

Colossians 1:6 All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing.

1Thessalonians 1:8 The Lord's message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia your faith in God has become known everywhere.

1 Timothy 3:16 Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

2 Timothy 4:17 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it.

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

Hebrews 10:10 we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

James 1:18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.

1 Peter 3:18 For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.

I John 4:14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

Jude 1:25 To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

Revelation 5:9-10 9 And they sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.